
Case studies, news

Courage to Care

Task: Raise awareness of this unique exhibition which teaches school children to be an up-stander, not a bystander in the face of racism and bullying
Result: Extensive national TV, radio and press coverage over more than a decade


Task: Promote a series of concerts featuring Yiddish culture and language to a broader audience
Result: Extensive coverage across radio, press and online helping to generate sell-out concerts

Night of Broken Glass

Task: Educate the public about indigenous man, William Cooper standing up for German Jews after the events of Kristallnacht in 1938 and generate ticket sales for a unique, socially inclusive theatre event
Result: More than 30 stories across TV, radio, press and online, reaching an audience of almost 2 million people and achieving capacity audiences

National Folk Festival

Task: To reach the broadest possible audience in publicising this iconic event
Result: Together with Diana Wolfe of Wolfe Words, we achieved more than 70 TV and radio spots and over 50 press and online articles, with an audience reach of more than 5 million

Costs of Youth Homelessness Report

Task: Find a way through the political noise just before a double dissolution election to launch this report showing that over $600m be saved annually by preventing youth homelessness with early intervention programs
Result: More than 40 national radio spots including news, current affairs and interviews, and wide press and online coverage including opinion pieces in national daily publications

Zelman Symphony

Task: Increase awareness of the events of the Babi Yar atrocities of WWII and generate ticket sales for the Zelman Symphony’s performance of Shostakovich’s 13th Symphony, the Babi Yar at Melbourne’s Hamer Hall
Result: Stories in print and online media nationally and an ABC Radio National feature. Tickets sold out

Stonnington Jazz Festival

Task: Achieve maximum coverage for this festival showcase of Australian talent
Result: Together with Diana Wolfe of Wolfe Words we achieved more than 50 interviews and stories across radio, press and online

Geelong Project

Task: Launch the Geelong Project’s interim report showing early intervention can reduce early school leaving and youth homelessness
Result: TV, radio, press and online coverage reaching more than 2 million people

Estate Planning Australia

Task: Launch this study by researchers from CSU and Adelaide University which found that most Australians are unprepared for death and disability when it comes to their digital assets
Result: TV, radio press and online coverage reaching over 1 million people

Arcko Symphonic Ensemble

Task: Publicise the performances of Til We Meet Again, a new work about the final letter of a young, Australian private to his mum before the young soldier was killed in action on the Western Front in WWI
Result: Together with Diana Wolfe of Wolfe Words, we generated almost 30 stories, including TV news, radio and press reaching an audience of almost 1 million